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Upp. wins retail industry AI award

Upp.ai Newsroom

Upp. wins retail industry AI award

#1 AI-Powered Retail Solution in the UK

We’re incredibly proud to have been named the best AI-powered retail solution in the UK by Retail Tech Insights.

The awards take place every year and name the five top AI-powered solutions in the retail industry. We were proud to win amongst a group of impressive AI-led companies including Adthena, Increasingly, Ometria and SeeChange Technologies.

CEO Drew Smith commented, 

“Whilst global eCommerce continues to grow, retailers can no longer justify a ‘grow at all costs’ P&L. Profit is king, and the industry needs to demonstrate its sustainability and longevity.

I’m confident that Upp. will play an increasingly vital role in the future of eCommerce, and this award is recognition of that and all the hard work our team has put in over the past two years.”

Read more on the Retail Tech Insights website here.

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